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Jason Cabel Roe

*Breaking* U.S. Rep. Tom McClintock endorses Mike Morrell in contested AD 63 GOP Primary

Tom McClintock endorses conservative businessman Mike Morrell for 63rd Assembly. 

What does McClintock say in endorsing my conservative client, Morrell?

“Mike Morrell is the conservative choice in the 63rd District.  As a businessman, he values honesty and integrity and takes pride in his reputation.  Those principles have served him well in business and I know they will guide him as an effective leader in Sacramento.  I highly recommend him on the June 8th ballot.”

5 Responses to “*Breaking* U.S. Rep. Tom McClintock endorses Mike Morrell in contested AD 63 GOP Primary”

  1. Says:

    He endorsed Morrell six years ago–and Morrell still lost.

    A Sub-Prime mortgage lender like Morrell is a tough sell in the #1 worst home foreclosure market in California.

  2. Says:

    LOL – disclosure time. Roe is the consultant for Mike Morrell. Chris Jones is the consultant for one of Morrell’s opponents, Don Kurth.

    I will say that I’ve met Kurth a few times and he strikes me as a good guy.

    But I will add that I have known Mike Morrell for a long, long time and know him to be a strong conservative leader, a good family man, and someone of high moral character.

    As for the McClintock endorsement, that speaks for itself.

  3. Says:

    Thanks Jon! Morrell’s conservative credentials aren’t quite so strong anymore. In an interview published in the September 2009 San Bernardino County Federated Republican Women’s newsletter, Morrell said that eliminating the 2/3 super-majority vote to pass the budget and tax increases would be a “good thing”. This doesn’t sound like a conservative idea to me.

  4. Says:

    Extra Extra Disclosure:

    Morrell’s campaign consultant in that very race Mr. Jones talks about was… wait for it…. CHRIS JONES.

    I hope Mr. Jones has the same luck this time around.

  5. Says:

    Does that change what he said in some way? A good consultant helps a candidate get his message out, but no one should be in politics who lets a consultant change his basic belief system. (not saying Mike Morrell did that, just saying you can’t create the straw man of his consultant mentioning the quote. The real question is did he say it and did he mean it?