Two pieces. FIORINA FOR US SENATE “Clear Choice”. Quite a bit of reading: the Palin endorsement I think is the important part. YES ON 16 “Don’t Write the Politicians a Blank Check”.

Two pieces. FIORINA FOR US SENATE “Clear Choice”. Quite a bit of reading: the Palin endorsement I think is the important part. YES ON 16 “Don’t Write the Politicians a Blank Check”.
May 27th, 2010 at 12:00 am
Karen Blake of Bakersfield is running for State Superintendent of Public Instruction (SOPI). She has some excellent positions and plans to bring California education back to meeting real-world needs. She is a professional scientist (geology and computer science) and is keen on getting the school system to respond to the job needs of California businesses.
Karen has a website at It demonstrates her intimate familiarity with California resources and businesses and why their management needs high-caliber graduates coming from our school system, educated in reading, writing, history, mathematics, science, and critical thinking.
Her Facebook page has several video clips and answers readers questions. This give-and-take gives further insight into Karen’s focus and direction.
From her website, “We lost something in our school system and are somehow killing children’s natural desire to learn.” She calls for rejection of federal money and meddling, restoration of local control, rewarding teacher excellence, removal of ineffective teachers, an end to social engineering, and encouragement of charter schools and academies.
Sounds like a plan. She would make a great SOPI and bring new life to our sadly PC school system.