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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Memo To Democrats

DATE: 5/25/10

As the saying goes, “adversity creates opportunity.”

Your opportunity as Democrats who are supposed to be in charge, given the fiscal crisis facing California state government, would be to put aside your left-wing, socialistic passions, roll up your sleeves, and deal with the fact that we are going to have to make do with less – a lot less – as has been the case in the private sector, with a contracting economy.

Our opportunity, a Republicans, is to take political advantage of the fact that even with money as tight as it is right now, our nation, and this state are in a vice-hold by liberals who literally have no grasp on reality, and no ability to produce any outcome for our fiscal challenges that don’t include raising taxes – and not by a little, but by billions and billions of dollars.  I would never “wish” a fiscal crisis on our state and local governments – but my party stands ready to take your predictable “let’s tax our way out of the situation” approach to press for political gains this November!

**There is more – click the link**

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3 Responses to “Today’s Commentary: Memo To Democrats”

  1. Says:

    To: Jon Fleischman
    From: California
    Re: The Blame Game

    As much as you hate letting facts get in the way of a good column of Democratic bashing, let me remind you that the Republicans held the White House, control of Congress, and the Governorship for much of the time you complain about CA not getting its “fair share.” It was George Bush who, for eight straight years, ZEROED out the federal budget for reimbursement for the imprisonment of undocumented workers. It was DEMOCRATS who restored the money.

    I would also like to remind you that the past six budgets largely have been supported by Republicans and signed into law by a Republican Governor.

    The dysfunction at the Capitol also is largely due to the Republican backed-laws of term limits and a proposal that makes us only one of three states that requires 2/3 budget and tax approval (RI and Arkansas being the other two).

    So if you’re looking for blame, look in the mirror.

    Kudos to the Democratic leadership this year for saying enough is enough with the dismantling of our public education system, health care programs, and safety net for the most vulnerable. They will stand up to your continued attempts to kill job-creating clean energy incentives and undermine our communities with the slashing of redevelopment and other measures that put Californians back to work.

    Their vigilance will show you just how out of sync the California Republican Party is. And no matter which flawed billionaire you nominate for Governor, they will be rejected by us, the voters, for their pandering to the right, their inexperience, and clueless “cut waste, fraud, and abuse” rhetoric.

    Looking forward to November,
    The People of California

  2. Says:

    This Steven fellow seems quite enthused to speak for ALL California voters…

    Yet another problem with the “mob rule” democracy crowd, they assume 50% plus 1 equals total disregard for minority/individual rights (Unless of course it’s Gays/Ethnic oppressed/etc)

    This is why socialism and it’s spiritual cousin fascism are equally evil. Both attempt to seize the autonomy of individuals and small groups and turn that determination to the state and it’s accomplices (Private industry with fascism, Public labor with socialism)

    Anyone, Republican or Democrat who supports these ideologies is evil. They should be fought with all means within the rule of law.

    And please progressive (I refuse to call you liberals as that title has a noble history) trolls stop whining about the “most vulnerable”.

    When has mega rich Feinstein (in example) used the bulk of her wealth to start a series of charity hospitals?

    Why is it the grand concern for the underclass only come to the forefront when you seek to spend other peoples money?

  3. Says:

    Steve….cut the ancient history…nothing will go down till Oct. 2010…the deficit red and redder.

    No Profiles and Courage on the horizon…..NADA……Russian Steve….Russian…