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Jon Fleischman

State Senate Candidate Stone Airs Laundry List Of Hits

Tales of the bizarre — I just got an email from State Senate hopeful moderate Jeff Stone who in a contest with conservative Assemblyman (and front runner) Joel Anderson to succeed Dennis Hollingsworth, who is term-limited out of office.  The note appears to be some sort of "pre-innoculation" piece designed to warn the greater political community of impending attacks against him.

The interesting part is that this note goes well beyond the normal generalizations that you would expect, "My opponents will seek to paint me in a bad light — but don’t you believe them!"

Instead, check out this paragraph:

In the final days of the campaign one of my opponents, well known for his dirty campaigning, will sling a bunch of outrageous charges against me.  He will probably call me a drug dealer; he will tell you that I harm my patients; that I don’t pay my taxes or that I voted to hike your taxes; he will probably say I belong to an extremist Religious group and he will claim I have violated the public trust while an elected leader.

Seriously – I am not making this up.

Wow, that’s a lot of stuff to throw out there in one paragraph.

Let’s recap —

  • drug dealer
  • harms patients
  • doesn’t pay taxes
  • voted to raise taxes
  • religious extremist
  • violated public trust

Well, good news for Jeff Stone.  I don’t think there are enough mail days between now and the election to actually hit him on this many issues…

Anyways, I like to make note of the unusual, and I found this note from Stone to be just that.

2 Responses to “State Senate Candidate Stone Airs Laundry List Of Hits”

  1. Says:

    So far I have received at least three mailings from Anderson’s campaign consisting entirely of documented accusations against Stone. And they pretty much fall into the categories that Stone has mentioned. As far as I know, he has sent out nothing to the general public saying anything about his qualifications for office or giving us any positive reasons why we should vote for him, though he has two pastors detailing his virtues on Christian radio stations. Anderson’s history is not free of accusations either. On the other hand, there are allegations that Stone has links to Scientology. Personally, I’m disgusted with the whole thing and I’m not sure I want any of these clowns allegedly representing me. Might as well write in Britney Spears, except that look what happened the last time we put a Hollywood personality in office in California. How about Chesley Sullenberger–at least he knows what to do when what’s under his command is going down fast.

  2. Says:

    Jeff Stone’s very cozy relationship with Scientology and his introduction of Ordinance 884 to effectively prevent picketing at the International headquarters of Scientology in his district, is the most egregious violation of the constitutional people’s rights to picket and voice their opinions.

    He also receives political contributions from the said “Church”

    Google Scientology “Jeff Stone” “Ordinance 884”

    Also, please watch the Board of Supervisors discussions regarding Scientology: