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Matthew J. Cunningham

Fiorina Supported Weakening Prop. 13

My Red County colleague published this post today about the U.S. Senate race — a must read for those deciding whether to cast their ballot for Chuck DeVore or Carly Fiorina.

Chip’s post includes an op-ed Fiorina co-bylined in 2000 in support of Prop. 26 — which would have have weakened Prop. 13 by reducing the threshold fro passing local school bonds from two-thirds to a simple majority.

Click here to read it. It’s substantive food for thought for those trying to parse through the competing claims of who the conservative in the race is.

3 Responses to “Fiorina Supported Weakening Prop. 13”

  1. Says:

    Defeating Boxer is more important than a 10-year old newspaper editorial! Carly can beat Boxer. Devore can’t. That’s the unvarnished truth.

  2. Says:

    carly may have said this, but our current Orange County Tax Assessor, Webster Guillory, was found at trial by Judge Watson to have not just spoken about weakening Proposition 13, BUT ACTUALLY VIOLATED Proposition 13. I think a cause for at least equal concern here in the O.C.

  3. Says:

    There is apparently more than meets the eye with Carly Fiorina:

    If even half of this info is true, Boxer will have Carly for lunch.