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BOE Member George Runner

When it comes to pilfering taxpayers, liberals are strong-willed

Say what you want about tax-and-spend liberals. One thing is for sure: They are strong-willed when it comes to pilfering money from taxpayers.
Nothing can stop the liberal arm of the California Legislature from proposing $5 billion in tax increases as a means to plugging a huge budget hole. 
Not even the California voters who overwhelmingly opposed Proposition 1A last year (a ballot measure that would have raised taxes on Californians). 
This year’s proposed increases include hitting up California car owners – who apparently don’t spend enough on car taxes or at the gas pump – to pay more DMV fees.
If only the liberals showed this kind of determination in handling taxpayer money.
Read more about the tax hikes here.

One Response to “When it comes to pilfering taxpayers, liberals are strong-willed”

  1. Says:

    George… tell us how you find 20, 28, 36 billion, whatever the number may be….

    I know primary season is upon us…but someone please tell us the truth…