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Duane Dichiara

What I got in the mail May 21 and 22

I was on the road yesterday, so today’s mail post is for Friday and Saturday.

KENNEDY FOR SACRAMENTO CITY COUNCIL “Firefighter Letter” with a very clever magnet that features a fire dog (TODAY’S WINNER), JAY SCHENIRER FOR SACRAMENTO CITY COUNCIL “Jump Ball” I have no idea what this mailer is all about, YES ON 16 “The Eagle” boy eagles are popular symbols for Republican mail, SLATEMAILER “Attention Republican” this is the second drop of the Tim Carey California Voter Guide and featured Cooley for Attorney General and Villines for Insurance Commissioner, SLATEMAILER “COPS” featuring Cooley again.

One Response to “What I got in the mail May 21 and 22”

  1. Says:

    You must be a renter with a short term voting history at your current address, cause you are nit geting the persuasive mail Republican homeowners are getting.