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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: The Massive $11 Billlion Water Bond Is Headed For A November Massacre

Hopefully it did fall through the cracks for California political observers that last week liberal Democrat Congresswoman Grace Napolitano of Los Angeles County was very blunt in comments to the San Gabriel News Tribune that she thinks that the $11 billion water bond currently slated to appear on this November’s ballot is going to be defeated by voters.”

According to the News Tribune, Napolitano said, “They should support it, but I don’t think they will… People are very upset with legislators.  And since it’s (legislators’) idea, I don’t think (voters) are ready to put out any more money.”

Napolitano’s comments are very significant because she is a supporter of the bond, and she also has some gravitas on the water issue, serving as the Chairman of the House Natural Resources Subcommittee on Water and Power.

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One Response to “Today’s Commentary: The Massive $11 Billlion Water Bond Is Headed For A November Massacre”

  1. Says:

    Do not underestimate the voters!

    If a juvenile fiction chronicler can put together a plausable and positive spin message….this catch all enviro appealing bond will pass!!!

    Remember this is the land of Ironman 1 and 2 advertising… blockbuster movies about a second tier Marvel character….

    So….feed em a good rhyme/jingle and throw in a bag of popcorn or a box of gummie bears…or maybe a picture of some bird flying over a pristine wetland or BAMBI drinking from a bubbling, cool, deep forest brook. presto…bond passes!