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Duane Dichiara

What I got in the mail Monday

* A clever solicitation from Florida US Senate candidate Marco Rubio – it had a dollar bill paper clipped on it

* A mailer from local Sheriff candidate Scott Jones “Endorsed by Sheriff McGinness”

* A mailer from the Fiorina from with her signature on the taxpayer protection pledge which I swear may have come once before, or something similar “Taxpayer Protection Pledge”

* A mailer from Ted Lieu for Attorney General, addressed to the woman who lived in my house six years ago, and who was a Democrat “Working for You”

* A mailer from local Sacramento City Council candidate Patrick Kennedy. Very clean, well done piece. TODAY’S WINNER.

* A slatemailer from the “California Taxpayer Protection Voter Guide”. Poizner and Fiorina. Not sure who puts this one out.

One Response to “What I got in the mail Monday”

  1. Says:

    Can you include links to any slates you get? I would like to keep up on what the competition is doing.