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Jon Fleischman

Former Vice President Cheney Endorses Meg Whitman; Records “Robo-Call”

Former Vice President Dick Cheney today endorsed the candidacy of Meg Whitman for Governor.  You can read his lengthy column in today’s Orange County Register which was as notable for his glowing praise of Whitman as its harsh words for Whitman’s primary opponent, Steve Poizner.

In conjunction with the announcement of Cheney’s support, the Whitman campaign has unleashed pre-recorded messages from Vice President Cheney to Republican primary voters.  In the all-positive call, Cheney calls Whitman the "clear conservative choice…"

Cheney is a favorite of most conservatives, thus this a significant "third party endorsement" of Whitman.

You can listen to Cheney’s message below…

5 Responses to “Former Vice President Cheney Endorses Meg Whitman; Records “Robo-Call””

  1. Says:

    It is interesting that in the race to convince Republican voters that they are the most conservative candidate in the race, both Poizner and Whitman are trying different approaches. Poizner is using commercials from California elected officials supporting him (Poizner and Deukmejian so far and more on the way if rumors are to be believed) while Whitman has been using the famous national spokesperson to give her validity (McCain, Romney, now Cheney). Since both have prominent California Conservative elected officials who have endorsed them, it can only be a conscious choice by the Whitman campaign. It will be interesting to see which strategy is more effective.

  2. Says:

    Mr. Kaptain:

    I’m not involved in the present gubenatorial race, but can offer this insight:
    George Deukmejian retains a MYSTIQUE among those of us old enough
    to remember his years as Governor (1982-1990).

    This primary will be dominated by voters over the age of 50, so that matters.
    George Deukmejian was the best California governor in my lifetime.

    Reagan the best PRESIDENT, but Deukmejian the best GOVERNOR. His
    training as Assemblyman, state senator and Attorney General allowed him
    to make the right decisions from his first day in office.

    May God continue to Bless George Deukmejian !

  3. Arrowhead.Ken@Charter.Net Says:

    Cheney is no Karl Rove. He should stick to torturing the Obama administration.He has made great strides in that arena.

    Does Cheney live in California?

  4. Says:

    Why would a pro-gunner like Cheney (thanks for the separate brief in Heller, sir!) support an anti-gunner like Whitman?

    Bill Wiese
    San Jose CA

  5. Says:

    I really love Cheney, but his endorsing Whitman has disappointed me.