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Jon Fleischman

Senator Hollingsworth Launches New Pension Reform Website

Curious about California’s broken pension system?  Feel free to tip toe around the various solutions, formulas and learn more about the root cause at a new website.
Senate GOP leader Dennis Hollingsworth announced the launch of a new web-site designed to become a clearinghouse of useful information that will allow everyone to get perspective on how much government employee unions are fleecing future generations.
According to the Senate GOP leader, “Public pension obligations are a ticking time-bomb and many don’t fully understand how devastating these costs are to our state’s fiscal well being.”
Public employee unions are hurting the future of all Californian’s. That point can not be argued.

According to the press release
“…there are 9,111 retired California government workers who are receiving pensions over $100,000 and according to one recent study, California’s public retirement plans are under funded by more than a half trillion dollars ($536 billion) which equates to a  staggering $36,000 per household.”

Video of the Governor and Hollingsworth unveiling their pension reform solution can be accessed here.
To visit the new pension reform website, go here.