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Meredith Turney

New Survey USA Poll Shows Poizner 2 Points behind Whitman

The Poizner campaign is trumpeting a new Survey USA poll that shows Steve Poizner just 2 points behind Meg Whitman, 37% to 39%. Here’s a TV report with the story:

2 Responses to “New Survey USA Poll Shows Poizner 2 Points behind Whitman”

  1. Says:

    They can’t really be reporting a 0% margin of error, can they?

  2. Says:

    EMeg is on the defensive with both Goldman and illegal immigration. Her zillions and her staff can not save her with defense unless they recapture the momentum.

    What does an executive do when the staff can not get the job done? Hmmm!

    Well! Under similar circumstances George Deukmejian changed consultants in 1982 and was elected governor.

    So! Mr. Murphy better pull the rabbit out of the hat and he has about 7 days or less to do it! The clock is ticking!