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Jon Fleischman

Star Wars – Starring Battin, Benoit, Jeandron and Bono-Mack!

OK, having been "cast" by my friend and fellow FR blogger Jim Battin in previous JibJab online movie productions, it’s my turn to return the favor…

So we present to you The Empire Strikes Back starring…

As Han Solo — Supervisor John Benoit…
As Princess Leia Organa — Congresswoman Mary Bono Mack…
As Lando Calrissian — Gary Jeandron
and… in his starring role…
As Luke Skywalker — Jim Battin!

(Our apologies to Jim’s Coachella Valley neighbors for being cast in this feature, but if it goes viral, maybe there will be residuals!)

The link to the short movie is under this outstanding screen shot of it’s star…


One Response to “Star Wars – Starring Battin, Benoit, Jeandron and Bono-Mack!”

  1. Says:

    OMG – Jon, what have you done to me?

    May the force be with you……