This just in from Assemblyman Joel Anderson… If you are in the San Diego area — you’re help is needed TOMORROW…
Note: See this column from Assemblyman Jim Neilsen that also appears on the FlashReport today for more information, as well as information on other events besides the San Diego one detailed below.Assemblyman Anderson Issues Taxpayer Call to Arms!
I need your help this Saturday, May 8 to stop the liberals from overspending and taxing you into poverty.
Their plan is to hold a barely publicized forum, then fill the hall with state employees and their allies so that you and I are cut out of the process. That’s just wrong!
You and I know Californians are overtaxed, but that isn’t enough for the liberal big-spenders in Sacramento. And now, the legislative majority is taking their ideology on the road, with last minute meetings so they can claim public support.
This hearing is part of the liberal majority’s plot to continue their taxing and overspending on bigger government. They are not planning on your attendance, because they didn’t expect me to get the word out to you in time. At the meeting, you will be asked your opinion, and the opinions expressed will be used as a basis for their next state budget.
If you agree that it’s time to do more than wave flags, and that politicians need to listen to what we’re saying, this is your chance to make a difference. I count on you to stand with me because together we can change California.
Please help me unstack the deck on Saturday, May 8 at 2:00 PM at San Diego High School, 1405 Park Boulevard in San Diego. I can’t do it without you!
Remember, all the state employees and their allies are well aware of this meeting. We need to overwhelm them with our numbers, so bring 10 friends when you show up on Saturday.
Let’s carpool common sense to the meeting!
If we’re going to change California, this is where we draw the line. Help me send a clear message to fat-cat bureaucrats and tax-and-spend liberals that we’re not going to take it any more.
Let’s make this meeting where the rubber meets the road, and the legislators learn their lesson!