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Jason Cabel Roe

Today’s Commentary: California’s Massachusetts

Yes, I know, it’s become cliché but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t apply.

The 43rd Assembly District, which includes Glendale and Burbank, has not been held by a Republican since my former boss, Jim Rogan, left the seat for Congress in 1996. Rogan was elected in a special election succeeding former Assembly GOP Leader Pat Nolan. In those years, this seat was a bedrock Republican district but an influx of new Americans, primarily Armenian and Latino, have changed the demographics and ideological bent of the district. Additionally, this has become a bedroom community for entertainment industry workers who also sit on the left of the political spectrum.

Today, the district is 2-1 Democrat with another quarter of voters decline-to-state. On the surface, Republicans should not be in the game here but due to a special election triggered by incumbent Paul Krekorian’s election to the L.A. City Council, we have a very unique opportunity.

**There is more – click the link**

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6 Responses to “Today’s Commentary: California’s Massachusetts”

  1. Says:

    Dream on.

  2. Says:

    Mr. Maviglio came to California from the East in 2000 (he’d been a state
    legislator in New Hampshire) to work for Gray Davis . The LA Times
    speculated in 2000 that Davis was thiking of running for President, and
    Mr. Maviglio’s New Hampshire experitse would help with that prospect!

    Doubtless Mr. M also laughed up his sleeve as the movement to RECALL
    Gray Davis got going in 2003. But the recall qualified for the ballot. And
    in October 2003 the 43rd Assembly district, along with the rest of the state,
    voted to oust Gray Davis:

    43rd State Assembly District vote (October 2003)
    YES……………. 48,437…….(51.2%)

    Arnold………….. 45248……..(47.9%)


    In 2006 the 43rd District AGAIN voted for Arnold for
    a 2nd term in the Governor’s office:


    So Yes, we Republicans will continue to dream On, and the results
    may amount to another Nightmare for Mr. Maviglio.

  3. Says:

    Steve is a bad boy sometimes but he has a good heart….liberals are for the “people”. So why are the “people” facing a potential 36.0 billion budget shortfall….sort of Greek-style math!

  4. Says:

    Don’t let the delusion set in too much, the only reason Ramani got the percentage he did was because he was unopposed.

  5. Says:

    The best opportunity for the GOP to pick this seat up was April 13, not in June, certainly not in November unless incumbency was already ours. But we didn’t. Instead Sunder barely managed to pull even (just about) with Gatto even though Gatto had other opponents in the Primary and Sunder had none.

    If Republicans had turned out, Sunder would have won easily. But they didn’t. WHY?

    What the hell was that $200,000 spent on if not turning out the Republican vote?!

  6. Says:

    That is patently false. The metrics change going into the run-off because Gatto is so fiercely disliked.

    He ran the nastiest campaign we’ve seen in this district for years. Voters took note, and that is why Ramani has attracted the bipartisan coalition he has.

    Ramani has got this thing in the bag.