Welcome to "Whitman University" — this professionally created video highlighting a campaign appearance by GOP Gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman yesterday in Diamond Bar is really an important reminder to everyone about the importance of protecting Proposition 13…

May 5th, 2010 at 12:00 am
“Professionally created” — as in it cost Meg $10k for a video designed to look like news so 46 people can see it. Amazing.
May 5th, 2010 at 12:00 am
Dear Meg Whitman,
I recently attended your townhouse meeting in Tustin with Senator John McCain and came away with the intention to vote for you for Governor of the State of California, however:
I expect you to support the law of the land nationally and in California, as the Arizona legislators have done in their state regarding illegal immigration.
To support the prosecution of illegal persons entering our state and country.
To stop the drain these illegal immigrants have on our resources, a major contributing factor in our states deficit.
I expect you to openly and specifically oppose amnesty for illegal aliens.
I expect you to oppose drivers license for illegals, a majority of the legislators do not oppose this. So far I have not heard you take these important positions. In fact you recently seemed to straddle the fence on this rather than come out against the drug dealers, kidnappers,extortionists, rapist and killers moving into the U.S. across our borders.
As a citizen of the United States who supports our Constitution, I believe it is the foremost duty of
our government and Governor to provide for our national defense by supporting the prosecution of those who enter our country illegally!
I am copying this to my email list of California residents, some who will send this on to their email list. If you want my/our vote, please be clear on your position regarding this issue.
John Sears
North Tustin Ca.
May 6th, 2010 at 12:00 am
This video is so staged and scripted that doesn’t really move me closer to voting for Whitman, even though I agree with what she’s saying.
May 7th, 2010 at 12:00 am
Whitman attacks Poizner for supporting the weakening of Prop 13, but where was she when it was happening?