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Jon Fleischman

Pro-Life Susan B. Anthony List Endorses Fiorina

Someone called the 1992 elections the "Year of the Woman" — but it would be more accurate that ’92 was the election of the pro-abortion women.  In response to a year when a lot of female candidates who to not respect the Right to Life were elected, the Susan B. Anthony List was formed as national pro-life organization committed to elected pro-life women to office.

The Susan B. Anthony List has announced their endorsement of Carly Fiorina in the U.S. Senate primary here in California.

Of course, Fiorina has two primary opponents, neither of whom could qualify to get the List’s endorsement.  Campbell, of course, is pro-abortion and does not respect the Right To Life.  DeVore, who is staunchy pro-life, is not a woman!