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Jon Fleischman

Jon Fleischman’s Statement on Maldonado’s Confirmation Votes

Statement of Jon Fleischman on the confirmation of Abel Maldonado to be California’s next Lieutenant Governor:

"The Republican Party in America and in here in California has been suffering greatly because of politicians like Abel Maldonado who campaign for office pledging to shrink the size and scope of government, and to oppose new taxes — but who then abuse their office of public trust by doing just the opposite. 

The greater the prominence of Abel Maldonado, the more difficult the task of Republicans is in regaining a majority.  The path to a Republican majority is not through embracing the policies of the Democrats. 

The message sent to the public by his confirmation is that if you are a Republican who is willing to put special interests over the interests of taxpayers, you can, indeed, go far in Sacramento.

I will close by saying, as an officer of the California Republican Party, that Maldonado’s confirmation is especially disappointing since Maldonado is the author of Proposition 14, the purpose of which is to drive political parties, including his own, out of business."

Jon Fleischman is Publisher of the FlashReport, and the elected Vice Chairman, South, of the California Republican Party.

One Response to “Jon Fleischman’s Statement on Maldonado’s Confirmation Votes”

  1. Says:

    Confused…perplexed….not rocket science….attornies are for attornies, judges are for attornies, attornies are for judges, politicans are attornies; politicans become judges; judges return to private practice; district attornies become politicans and judges……..therefore…accordingto Plato, Socrates and Willy Brown and Janet Reno….citizens get ripped on a regular unrepresented basis….simple logic!