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Duane Dichiara

Antonopoulos Re-Elected Chairman of College Republicans

The California College Republicans held their yearly convention this past weekend in Los Angeles. With just over 300 in attendance, it was one of the biggest such gatherings in years. Michael Antonopoulos, the current Chairman of the CCRs, was unanimously elected to a second term.

5 Responses to “Antonopoulos Re-Elected Chairman of College Republicans”

  1. Says:

    I wonder if they know where the barrio or the hood are?

  2. Says:

    I wonder if Mr. Bosich will ever say anything funny.

  3. Says:

    James….my role in life is to irritate, stimulate and irradicate RINOS!!!!

  4. Says:

    Unanimously elected? How boring, remember the good ol’ days of walkouts, two CR groups, legislators bankrolling elections, schools with competing clubs, and just plain old backroom politics! How are these kids going to learn anything if they can’t even fight over the CRs?

  5. Says:

    What do RINOs have to do with the College Republicans?

    Can you be any more vague?