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Jon Fleischman

Look Who’s Leading The Pack In The GOP Attorney General Primary…

FlashReport friend and contributor Adam Probolsky reports that FR friend John Eastman is leading the race for the Republican nomination for Attorney General, albeit narrowly and with "Undecided" actually leading the pack.  According for the Probolsky Poll, Eastman sits at 16.2%, with LA District Attorney Steve Cooley at 12.2% and State Senator Tom Harman at 10.5%.
This poll is the latest evidence that the conservative revival taking place across the country – in response to the Obama/Reid/Pelosi attempt to radically reinvent American in their image – is just as strong in California. Because perhaps no other candidate in California has captured the fancy of the "Tea Party" movement than John Eastman.  Now as a California Republican Party official, I cannot endorse in the race, but I can observe.  And I observe that if there was ever a year when a constitution-quoting, government-limiting, articulate defender of liberty could beat what has been the traditional GOP candidate for Attorney General – the one with the prosecutor background, this is it. 
Last week, John Eastman dashed from Tax Day Party to Tea Party Rally to talk radio appearance, and was received with legitimate, standing ovations at each stop.  There is something afoot among the voters, and Eastman may be catching lightning in a bottle.
What the Probolsky Poll really says is that the race is anyone’s to win or lose, but Eastman may have the inside track after all. 

Eastman’s biggest challenge will clearly be to raise the necessary funds to communicate his message to the voters.  So far Eastman’s opponent Steve Cooley has been raising the most money in this competitive primary.

2 Responses to “Look Who’s Leading The Pack In The GOP Attorney General Primary…”

  1. Says:

    What a contrast…John is headeeee brillant….street smarts challenged Hahn is still trying to find ways to rehabilitate with “dollars of love” vicious gang members in South LA. Gavin Newsome needs a public sector job, I guess….could be the first Lt. Gov. who moves his office to SF to officiate at unorthodox weddings.

  2. Says:

    I would like to know the three major candidate’s opinion on Doe v. Reed, a Washington state case about open government that is heading towards the US Surpreme Court.