FR sources forwarded along a memo that was produced by Marty Wilson of the Fiorina for U.S. Senate Campaign. As usual, we pass such things along to you for your review…
April 22, 2010
TO: Interested Parties
FR: Martin Wilson
Campaign Manager, Carly for California
RE: State of the Race Update #4
A series of polls in California continues to show the Republican primary for U.S. Senate remains very fluid. ABC News released the most recent poll today, and here is the head-to-head matchup:
Tom Campbell 34 percent
Carly Fiorina 27 percent
Chuck DeVore 14 percent
Undecided 23 percent
Another poll from Capitol Weekly taken in early April shows Tom at 31 percent, Carly at 17 percent and Chuck at 14 percent. A more recent private poll that was not paid for by our campaign has Tom at 27 percent, Carly at 23 percent and Chuck at 7 percent.
Fundamental to all these polls is the fact that there is little voter intensity for any of the three candidates. We expect this will remain true until the campaigns begin their voter contact efforts.
This week, the American Future Fund launched an independent effort attacking Tom Campbell on television and through the mail about his past support for massive tax increases. To watch the ad and learn more about Tom’s lifelong love affair with tax increases, check out this Web site: Since this effort is independent, all we know is that the group has said to the media that it plans to spend in excess of $1 million educating California primary voters about Tom’s shocking record.
And that brings me to Chuck DeVore. His communications director Josh Trevino issued a call today for Carly to drop out of the race due to Chuck’s “surge” in the polls. Uh, Josh, I’ll get back to you on that, buddy, as that surge lasted only until the next poll came out a few hours later. The thing I like about Chuck is how he bestows these great titles on people. He’s got a communications director and a campaign manager, but apparently he doesn’t think it’s necessary for his campaign to pay them because California taxpayers are picking up the tab. Yep, both of his senior campaign aides are state employees. An independent group, California Citizens for Ethics in Government, has called on the California Attorney General and the Federal Election Commission (FEC) to investigate whether Chuck is using public dollars to subsidize his campaign. We’ll let the guardians of the public fisc do their job and not speculate about where this may lead.
The campaigns have submitted their FEC reports, and they show Carly with a commanding cash advantage. We go into the final 60 days before the election with $2.8 million in the bank, topping Tom by $2 million. Chuck has the State of California on his side, but unfortunately for him, it’s broke. Carly raised $1.7 million from 5,861 contributors in the first quarter of the year, with 81 percent of the donors giving in amounts less than $250 and many of those donations coming in from the Web. In total, we now have 8,285 donors from all 50 states.
Our campaign’s fundraising remains strong. This week, Carly hosted former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice at events in San Diego and Los Angeles. Carly will be in the Central Valley on Friday for a finance event, and she travels next week to Washington, where Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell will host an event for the campaign on Wednesday, April 28.
At this stage of the campaign, these dollars all go to one place, and that’s voter contact. We have a very robust plan for the final 30 days that will have Carly on voters’ television screens and in their mailboxes all over California.
To quote the great George Jones, “The Race is On.”

April 23rd, 2010 at 12:00 am
In word from Marty if his girl will ever have the guts to debate?
April 23rd, 2010 at 12:00 am
Carly will eat them alive!
April 23rd, 2010 at 12:00 am
Really? Then why is she avoiding all debates?
April 24th, 2010 at 12:00 am
What’s this debate nonsense all about genious? If you had checked, you would know there will be an in person Republican debate in May that includes Carly and the other two.
Or are you just pushing a false negative with ulterior motives against the very bestm Carly Fiorina.