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Mike Spence

Congrats “Flash” For Making The CW Top 50!

We all know Jon is not one to toot his own horn, I thought I would take a moment as a member of the FlashReport team to congratulate him on his being named by Capitol Weekly as the 49th most influential person in the State Capitol (elected officials were excluded from the list).  Few people made the list who are actually committed to shrinking the size and scope of state government.  And even fewer managed to make the list who live and work over 500 miles from Sacramento!

Capitol Weekly annually puts out their list of the 100 power-brokers in Capitol policy and politics.  If I recall, last year Jon was somewhere in the bottom 50, so he’s actually moving up in influence, according to CapWeekly.  I might question their judgment, but Anthony York didn’t call me.

Congratulations, Jon, on well deserved recognition.  I am sure you realize that this would not have been possible without your fellow FlashReport contributors, and as such we’ll all be expecting a piece of that cash prize (assuming the FPPC doesn’t ban bloggers from receiving prizes).

You are such a man of principle, though, I wonder if you will publicly reject being on a list when it is topped by none other than your close friend, Susan Kennedy, the Democrat Chief of Staff to the Governor on whom you call (unsuccessfully) to resign each year.

2 Responses to “Congrats “Flash” For Making The CW Top 50!”

  1. Says:

    Only 49th…this guy should be easily in the top ten….this site, yes, does have puff pieces, but it is the most educational site for California politics….liberals, RINOS, conservatives etc. all come to the table…..a great site!

  2. Says:


    Flashreport was instrumental in the early stages of Ken Hunter’s campaign for the 59th Assembly. Anyone who hasn’t taken advantage of the reach of Flashreport is doing themselves a disservice.

    Thanks Jon

    John Wurm Ken Hunter’ campaign manager