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Jon Fleischman

On Politics, On Policy – A GOP Vote For Maldonado Is Outrageous

It is being reported that today the Assembly Rules Committee will consider the re-nomination of Abel "taxes and legislative blackmail" Maldonado, and that his confirmation vote will be held in the State Assembly tomorrow.

If a conservative/Republican legislator needs any reason to oppose this confirmation vote, you can either read my commentary from the last go around, or you can just use this site’s search function and type in Maldo’s name.  It will come back with example after example of how Maldonado regularly aids and abets those who seek to grow the size and scope of government.

So, on behalf of all of those of us "out here" we urge Republicans to withhold their vote from Maldonado (an absention is fine with us) — we don’t need to "reward" his deplorable behavior.  We also don’t need to give him what amounts to a huge boost in his campaign for the GOP nomination for Lt. Governor against Senator Sam Aanestad (a mainstream Republican).  If the Democrats want Maldo, they can just let the clock run without a vote — and he’ll get the job.  But he won’t be in it because of any Republican legislative support!

In closing, I will add for those who are trying to logic through the politics of promoting Maldonado out of the Senate, that the situation has drastically changed since the last go around.  If Maldo had been confirmed earlier in the year, then we would have been looking at a special election to fill his seat.  This is more favorable for Republicans, and the likely GOP standard bearer, Sam Blakeslee.  But now if Maldonado is confirmed by the legislature, it’s also assured that the Governor will consolidate the election with the General Election in November.  This not only takes away much of the GOP edge, but it means that it will be expensive?  How expensive?  With limited GOP resources, it means that in order to make a strong push to push Maldonado’s Senate seat into GOP hands (we’re not sure exactly where it is now), Senate Republicans will likely have to give up on one or two districts where we would try to pickup seats currently held by Democrats. 

So whether you want to consider principle or politics, the best vote for GOPers in the Capitol is to oppose or abstain on the Governor’s re-nomination of Maldonado.

One Response to “On Politics, On Policy – A GOP Vote For Maldonado Is Outrageous”

  1. Says:

    Now they are trying to tie in a 10,000.00+ restoration in pay with appointing Maldonado.

    Honestly keep Maldo in the state senate, else having Laird will be much worse for California. I dont mind that Laird is gay, its just he’s very far left leaning. Just like how the far left doesnt like Alberto Gonzalez for being a conservative, but its great that he’s latino.