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Jon Fleischman

Lefty Progressives on Sac Bee Editorial Board HEART Tom Campbell

Well, the progressive liberals that dominate main stream media newspaper editorial boards are at it again.  This time we see it is the sage and wise lefties on the Sacramento Bee Editorial Board who are telling us that Tom Campbell is the best GOP pick for the U.S. Senate.  You know what I say to these fine folks on the SacBee Ed Board who in 2008 levied their endorsement of Barack Obama for President of the United States?  Butt out!

This "quaint tradition" of these lefty progressives on editorial boards for newspapers weighing into Republican primaries with their pronouncements of who Republicans should pick is a joke — and a dubious practice.  Why should readers trust the motives of an editorial board’s pick in a GOP primary when their ultimate goal is to see the GOP put up a candidate that will lose to the Democrat in November?

I have known Tom Campbell for a long, long time.  Sure, I may not agree with him on all of the issues — and he certainly doesn’t agree with me.  But he is in a dialogue with Republicans about why he should be our nominee — and liberals weighing into our primary with their ten cents is an unwelcome distraction.

Shame on Tom Campbell if, like he did with his "endorsement" from the lefties at the San Jose Mercury News, he trumpets his "support" from the liberals at the Sacramento Bee.  Republicans promoting these charade endorsements are only hurting our own cause, as we give credibility to these clowns in advance of their wave of endorsements for Democrats this fall.  I wrote a lot more about this last week.  I think the polite and considered Mr. Campbell should actually publicly "reject" these meddling endorsements from the left.  They certainly don’t help his credibility with Republican primary voters.

Oh yes — if the Sacramento Bee Editorial Board wants to post up voter registration forms of its voting board members, and they are all Republicans, then I will eat these words.  But I think we’ll be waiting for a long, long time.

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