Congressman George Radanovich minces no words in his criticism of his former colleague, Richard Pombo, in a hard-hitting column submitted to us here at the FlashReport…
It begins…Those who work with me know that I rarely resort to public exchanges with other members of Congress and reserve that right only when I feel all other reasonable approaches have been exhausted. It is for this reason that I am writing in response to recent columns about former Rep. Richard Pombo, who is a candidate for the 19th Congressional seat that I now hold, and statements made by Rep. Devin Nunes.
After nearly 16 years representing our district, I announced late last year that I would not seek reelection so I could spend more time with my beloved wife, Ethie, who was suffering from advanced ovarian cancer. During this very trying period, I reached out to Senator Jeff Denham and asked him to consider running to continue the conservative tradition I had started. After consulting with his family, he announced his intention to run for Congress with my enthusiastic endorsement and support.
Mr. Pombo was recruited by Rep. Nunes and others who were sold on Mr. Pombo’s record in trying to change the Endangered Species Act (ESA) when Republicans had control of the House and Mr. Pombo was chairman of the Resources Committee.
It is true that Richard Pombo, whom I consider a friend, made a valiant but unsuccessful effort to change the ESA after it stalled in the then Republican controlled Senate.
There are however, some assertions being made on behalf of Mr. Pombo that need clarification.
Mr. Pombo is being attacked by environmental groups, not on his efforts to reform ESA which we all support, but on ethical issues that have so far gone unanswered by Mr. Pombo.
The only Pombo defense I have heard comes from none other than the ultra-liberal Fresno Bee, “No law enforcement agency or legislative ethics committee ever accused Pombo of violating federal bribery statutes, or any other laws, during his 14 years in the House of Representatives…” In other words, the best defense is “Richard Pombo is not a crook.”
Mr. Pombo needs to address the ethical issues that cost him his seat in 2006. His continuing condemnation of those attacking him is understandable, but so far he has failed to address their specific charges and offer the straightforward answers voters deserve. My constituents are an understanding community, but they don’t like being misled.
See the rest of the column here.