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OC Sheriff’s Race: Appointed Sheriff Leads

OC Sheriff Sandra Hutchens was appointed to her post, but it looks like the voters will keep her there.  Our new Voice of OC/Probolsky Research Poll shows the Sheriff winning with a 2-1 lead.  

There are a lot of undecided voters at this point.  Voters are generally uninterested in who the Sheriff is unless he/she is under federal investigation or something more dramatic.  As long as they feel safe and a deputy comes when you call 911 – the incumbent is probably going to win.

Hutchens is on top among all the major demographic groups like all parties, men and women and age groups.  Challengers Bill Hunt, a former deputy is running along with Craig Hunter, Anaheim Deputy Chief are trailing.

Someone needs to come in with big money to change this outcome.

The article about the poll can be found here.  The full report can be found here.

One Response to “OC Sheriff’s Race: Appointed Sheriff Leads”

  1. Says:

    Who you elect as County Sheriff is in many ways more important than who you elect as POTUS

    The Sheriff is your last line of defense against all enemies foreign and domestic in your county

    If you believe in Freedom & Liberty I encourage every one to support Bill Hunt for Orange County Sheriff