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Congressman Buck McKeon

Nuclear summit means hard work for the White House

The Nuclear Security Summit currently taking place in Washington, D.C. is certainly a historic event in that it marks the largest gathering of world leaders in the United States since the 1945 San Francisco Conference that founded the United Nations.  A central theme of the 2010 Nuclear Security Summit is the President’s call for world leaders to work together in securing vulnerable nuclear material.  In lieu of recent events, however, the President must also address the recent nuclear arms reduction treaty with Russia and the release of the Administration’s own Nuclear Posture Review.

I agree and support the President along with fellow world leaders on their efforts to address the growing threat posed by terrorists’ access to vulnerable nuclear materials.  The global community must take swift action to ensure the safety and security of these fissile materials.

What does concern me; however, is the President’s recent nuclear weapons reduction agreement with Russia.  Any plan to reduce this country’s nuclear arsenal should be met with a plan to strengthen our defense capabilities.  Instead, the President has decided to reduce the nuclear arsenal, while neglecting to address the fact that our remaining weapons arsenal is in desperate need of modernization.  Unfortunately, this has all come at a time when countries, such as North Korea and Iran, continue to defy the international community.

As a country we are obligated to defend our citizens against all threats.  As Ranking Member of the House Armed Services Committee, I remain committed to ensuring the safety of our citizens and the defense of our nation.