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Jon Fleischman

Poizner Airs New Hard Hitting TV Ad…

I take a vacation out of town for a few days, and of course nothing conveniently "slows down" in my absence.  Guess I’ll play catch-up on this whole CalChamber/Jerry Brown dust-up, but I didn’t want to miss posting up this latest commercial from Steve Poizner…  This spot is real "hard ball" and it will be interesting to see if a couple thousand rating points behind it in a statewide buy has an impacts.  It represents the first time statewide voters will be exposed to the issue of through tv advertising to Meg Whitman’s lackluster voting record (briefly, in this ad)…  (Team Whitman blasts Poizner for this ad here, though they don’t seem to say that anything in it is inaccurate, they just assault Poizner’s own record.)

3 Responses to “Poizner Airs New Hard Hitting TV Ad…”

  1. Says:

    The Fat Lady Sung…..its over…

  2. Says:

    This Poizner ad will help Whitman beat Jerry Brown in the November election. Poizner is really proving to moderate Democrats and independents that Whitman is a lot like them, that is an acceptable Republican.

    On the other hand, Poizner can not win the primary no matter what he claims about Whitman due to Whitman’s giant lead and due to Whitman’s ability to both limit or neutralize any charge and to throw out more Poizner negative ads.

    In other words, the Poizner anti-Whitman ad is going to whip Jerry Brown in the fall. What a cool development…except for Steve, of course.

  3. Arrowhead.Ken@Charter.Net Says:

    Wow, I loved that commercial. People are coming up to me everywhere I go to make sure that I know that Whitman supported Boxer.
    Like the tortoise and hare, Poizner will be gaining on eMeg right up to the finish line.
    This spot is an eMeg terminator.

    If only could get that elusive audio where eMeg says she against pinatas, then he would win for sure.

    Contested primaries are fun. Usually the guy with the most normal looking hair wins.