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BOE Member George Runner

While Rome burns, the Legislature adds more gas to the fire

As California families struggle to make ends meet and unemployment in some counties tops 20 percent, you would think the Legislature would get out of the way of the free market and the entrepreneurs who provide job growth. 

But you would be wrong. Instead, liberal Senators passed a bill yesterday in the Senate Environmental Quality Committee that will make batteries more expense. (By the way, I am a member of this board and voted “no” on the bill). 

Senate Bill 1100 (Corbett) will create new fees on batteries, which will be handed down to the consumer to the tune of about $15 million per year. And since the fee in this bill has not been determined, the price could go higher.

This bill will also open a Pandora’s Box to further implementation on other maligned items like fluorescent light bulbs, medical sharps and paints. 

In a TV report last night, ABC’s Nannette Miranda exposes the costs of this bill. 

6 Responses to “While Rome burns, the Legislature adds more gas to the fire”

  1. Says:

    The sooner Rome burns, the better.

    I guess I will look for a cheaper place to buy batteries online. Just like the $700 camera I bought this weekend…online free of tax and no shipping costs and it basically saved me $70 (since our sales tax is now essentially an ungodly 10 percent).

  2. Says:

    A little here and a little more there….no matter….we got OBAMACARE…….no more rent and no more car payments….Obama’s stash is great!!!!

  3. Says:

    Hey, Joe — you owe the state some money. You’re supposed to pay tax on that camera. You’ll be hearing from the BoE soon. Thanks for the comment!

  4. Says:


    I would thoroughly relish the opportunity and love to see the BoE come after me for $70.

  5. Arrowhead.Ken@Charter.Net Says:

    George, Thanks for voting No on on this which is great but can’t you get the dems on that committee some green jobs? Do what ever you have to do to get them out of there. Time to shed the decorum and return to tenth grade stink bomb warfare. How about opening up a can of environtmentally safe gopher gas in there?
    Seriously, no time to lame duck in the Senate now. Instead, pour it on the dems and get nasty with them. What do you have to lose?
    Take Dan Logue with you Monday over to the CAL/EPA building early in the morning and put a chain and padlock on it.

  6. Arrowhead.Ken@Charter.Net Says:

    Go out a hero instead of with a wimper. There will be no wimps allowed when Spartacus rolls in.