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Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Costa’s “War” on Miller and other fantasies……

The Roundup, Fresno Bee political notebook and other publications detailed today stories of Jim Costa "going to war" with Leftist Democrat George Miller over the water crisis in Central California.

Here’s an excerpt from the Roundup today: "

Reps. Jim Costa and George Miller are getting ready for a Delta smelt smackdown.  Christine Bedell reports, "Costa declared political "war" against a fellow member of the California congressional delegation Monday over the ongoing fight to both protect fish in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and keep delivering desperately needed water to the San Joaquin Valley.
"Costa, D-Fresno, offered to do battle with Rep. George Miller, D-Richmond, after Miller was quoted as promising at a political rally last week to push for tougher restrictions on water diversions to valley farms and cities. Northern California fisherman in large part blame the water pumping for declining salmon populations and, by extension, their livelihoods."

Well, George Miller has been attacking valley ag and water interests since before I ran for Congress in 1994 – 16 years ago.  Costa is just now "going to war" with him?  This is a gratuitous farce, a joke, and pure fiction, and designed for one purpose – distancing himself from his left wing voting record.  Jim Costa has voted with Nancy Pelosi over 96% of the time since she became Speaker.  You would think Costa would have any policy victories to show for his loyalty, but he doesn’t.  But he will have a tough fight on his hands in November – I guarantee it.

Westside farming interests are bailing on Costa left and right – money is beginning to flow to the Republican side – finally it appears that otherwise intelligent farmers are tired of the circular firing squad they have set up with their perpetual support of ineffective politicians like Jim Costa.

One Response to “Costa’s “War” on Miller and other fantasies……”

  1. Says:

    Anyone who is a liberal, Rino, communist, socialist or a member of the Socialist Democrat Regime must be shunned, defeated, banished, removed, defeated….

    They are the enemy….they raised your taxes, they gave you DEATH PANELS in the health care takeover, they made your kids village idiots from public school indoctrination, they created racial and cultural divisions among Americans to further their political power…..they are dangerous!!!

    Never forget….The Socialist Democrat Party voted for health care rationing for Seniors while bowing to the PORCH PEOPLE who do nothing by eat, drink and consume tax dollars and benefits while taxpayers work their posteriors off to eck out a living.