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BOE Member George Runner

Gardner broke parole by opening a Myspace account

Even though John Albert Gardner, III, the man accused of murdering Poway teenager Chelsea King, was prohibited from registering on social networking websites, that did not stop him from opening a Myspace page three years ago.

Why didn’t the parole officers know of this parole violation? Why did it take a private investigator to accidentally find out about the parole violation?

That’s what everyone wants to know, including the San Diego Union Tribune reporter who broke the story.

By the way, the Union-Tribune reports Gardner last logged in on his Myspace account on Feb. 24, the day before Chelsea went missing.

One Response to “Gardner broke parole by opening a Myspace account”

  1. Says:

    Chris Reed is exploring this very topic:

    apparently the evaluators have an incentive for ignoring the situation: less work but the same money