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Jon Fleischman

AB 32’s Costs Are No Joke – Even On April Fool’s Day

Occasionally the news release is received that deserves to be published verbatim…

AB’32’s Costs Are No Joke – Even On April Fool’s Day
With a Million Jobs and Billions of Dollars at Stake, AB 32 is No Laughing Matter

Sacramento –  Beleaguered families and small businesses will be happy to learn that their troubles are over – California can scrap its existing energy infrastructure and technologies, put new futuristic vehicles in everyone’s driveway, new appliances in everyone’s home, eliminate the use of fossil fuels, and save the planet from global warming.  And we can do it all with no noticeable economic impact whatsoever!

April Fool!!!!!

Unfortunately, that’s precisely how proponents of AB 32 are trying to sell the public on a package of new regulations that will cost Californians billions and put over a million jobs at risk.  And it’s no joke.

The California Jobs Initiative, a measure headed for the November ballot, will temporarily adjust the timing of those new laws until the state’s economy is in better shape.

"What better time than April Fool’s Day to focus voters’ attention on the economic realities of AB 32?" said Bob Blymyer, executive director of the Sacramento County Taxpayers League, which supports the initiative.

"Despite proponents’ concerted PR efforts, the facts are no laughing matter," continued Blymyer. "The extent of required changes in energy generation alone will burden Californians with billions in higher utility and fuel costs, and those billions will lead to businesses downsizing, leaving the state, or shutting down altogether.  And that means as many as a million or more people will lose their jobs.  Considering 2.2 million men and women are already out of work, it’s outrageous to even consider regulations like that, let alone defend them."

Others expressed frustration with the AB 32 lobby’s speculation that long-term energy savings would cushion the blow of electricity costs that could go up by as much as 60 percent, gasoline and diesel prices that could increase by almost $4 billion a year, and a cap and trade auction tax of $143 billion.

"Many small business owners and their families can hardly afford to keep the lights on and the rent paid as it is," said Julian Canete, executive director of the California Hispanic Chambers of Commerce which represents over 720,000 Hispanic-owned businesses in the state and supports the California Jobs Initiative.  "To expect these hardworking folks to invest thousands of dollars in new vehicles and equipment is not only unrealistic, it’s irresponsible."

Observed Canete: "The Air Board seems to have overlooked its own studies, which clearly indicate that low-income communities and small businesses will suffer disproportionate hardship from AB 32’s higher energy costs."

"The end has clearly eclipsed the means when it comes to AB 32 implementation," said Blymyer.  "In their zeal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, AB 32’s promoters have chosen to employ extremely creative math to justify billions in expenses and over a million lost jobs for California-only programs which will have absolutely no impact on global warming."

The California Jobs Initiative would protect jobs and the state’s economy by re-scheduling the onset of AB 32-related greenhouse gas reduction regulations until the unemployment rate drops to a level more consistent with the jobless rate at the time AB 32 was adopted.  The state’s existing clean air and clean water laws, which are the strictest in the country, would remain in full force.

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The California Jobs Initiative is a coalition of taxpayers, energy companies, food processors and others committed to saving jobs and protecting California’s economy and includes among others: Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association; California Hispanic Chambers of Commerce;  California Small Business Association; California Small Business Alliance; Silicon Valley Black Chamber of Commerce; National Tax Limitation Committee; California Taxpayer Protection Committee; Carson Black Chamber of Commerce; American GI Forum of California; California League of Food Processors; Lumber Association of California and Nevada; Printing Industries of California; California Coalition of Filipino American Chambers; Southern California Rock Products Association; Santa Maria Valley Contractors Association;, California Independent Oil Marketers Association (CIOMA); California Automotive Wholesalers Association; Chemical Industry Council of California; California Poultry Association; Western Agricultural Processors Association; Los Angeles Regional Homeless Restoration Advisory Coalition; Independent Oil Producers’ Agency; Alliance of Contra Costa Taxpayers; Sacramento County Taxpayers League; California Dump Truck Owners Association; Kern County Black Chamber of Commerce;  American GI Forum Women of California; Kern County Taxpayers Association; San Diego Tax Fighters;  and Nisei Farmers League.