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Jon Fleischman

Mountjoy Memo: Whitman = Amnesty

The following Memo will be hitting the press corps this AM from the Poizner for Governor campaign authored by former State Senator and Proposition 187 author Dick Mountjoy…

TO: California Press Corps
FROM: Richard Mountjoy, former State Senator
DATE: March 30, 2010
SUBJECT: Meg Whitman’s “Path to Legalization”

Meg Whitman’s incoherent attempts to explain her support for amnesty for illegal immigrants reveals a complete lack of understanding of the issue. Furthermore, Whitman’s apparent unfamiliarity or inability to comprehend illegal immigration policies should raise concern for voters. Quite frankly, Whitman’s ignorance and naiveté on this issue is insulting to those who have worked many years to solve the woes of illegal immigration in California and for the rest of the country.

Standing on the California-Mexico border last fall, Whitman told reporters point-blank that she wanted an amnesty program for illegal immigrants. According to The San Diego Union-Tribune, Whitman asked, "Can we get a fair program where people stand at the back of the line, they pay a fine, they do some things that would ultimately allow a path to legalization?"

When pressed on the issue at the California Republican Party convention just a few weeks ago, Whitman claimed she didn’t know a "path to legalization" meant amnesty. As reported by the Los Angeles Times, Whitman then claimed that what she meant by a "path to legalization" was a temporary guest worker program.

None of this makes any sense. For a potential gubernatorial candidate to not understand the most basic elements of immigration policies is troubling.

Whitman described in her own words that illegal immigrants should stand at the back of the line, pay a fine, and ultimately have a path to legalization. This is amnesty.

Whitman’s bizarre assertion that a "path to legalization" is actually a temporary guest worker program exacerbates her own ignorance.

Nobody has ever equated a path to legalization to a temporary guest worker program. A temporary guest worker does not go to the back of the line or pay a fine. Only under an amnesty program would an illegal immigrant go to the back of the line and pay a fine as part of a path to legalization.

Despite all of Whitman’s attempts at obfuscation, it is apparent to anyone who treats the illegal immigration issue seriously that Whitman supports amnesty for illegal immigrants. If Whitman is not aware that what she spelled out in her own words is amnesty, she has no business running for Governor of California.

5 Responses to “Mountjoy Memo: Whitman = Amnesty”

  1. Arrowhead.Ken@Charter.Net Says:

    This appears to be the big issue that defines both eMeg and Steve.
    Everyone has their own funnie ideas about how to handle the problem of illegal immigration. I was at the lumber yard last week and there were a group of men discussing the issue. One said that we need to give them an incentive to go home, maybe pay them $400 to go back I replied that that was not going to fix California’s problems. I think we should pay them a reasonable amount for relocting, plus pay them an additional $1,000 if they take a democrat with them and an extra $1,000,000 if they take John Perez with them.

    I am assuming Perez does not spend a lot of time on FR because when I win the Assembly race here in District 59, I may be given just a T.V. Dinner tray and a phone jack in the hallway for my office.

    I prefer Poizner in every way , but neither of them have proposals yet, that if implemented, would be sufficient to re-ignite our economy.

  2. Says:

    The Republican Party in California sits back, collects funds and awaits the dust to settle of this “no choice” primary.

    Flash Report Junkies should demand the PARTY be proactive and find a candidate worthy of our American heritage.

    Both of these blue bloods have bottomless funds to blur their warts, zits and barf pronouncements of prior years. They are both hopelessly flawed candidates not worthy of a vote.

    As far as immigration….about 6 million new green cards will bankrupt our social welfare net while massively increasing the government work force in California.

    The magnet….will be unbelievable…extended families…AND THE NEXT WAVE OF ILLEGAL ALIENS!!!

    Remember…Blue blood Republicans love cheap labor and they have it… and lots more are on the way.

  3. Arrowhead.Ken@Charter.Net Says:

    How dare you say such a thing Robert! Does this mean that you are not voting for eMeg? How dare you go against the candidate endorsed by Jon Coupal? HJTA endorsed someone who is running against me who knows not even the basics of how taxation works and its diverse effects on economies.

    Looks like it is safe to project a hard stance against the illegals this election season with out being called a bigot or racist.

    But what about asking the illegals to take a democrat with them when they go home? I believe that Ollie North would think it is “a neat idea”.

  4. Arrowhead.Ken@Charter.Net Says:

    Mountjoy is right on all aspects of his post. When I am in the Assembly, I would like to tap him as a resource to rebut the democrats on this and many other issues.He still has a lot of fight in him.

  5. Says:

    Man…do ya believe it….beating up the messenger!!!

    Flash Report Junkies…..follow the money….watch all the losers and misfits climb on Whitman’s back like scabbies looking for paybacks down the road……..make a written list….these are ones to be shunned!!!!