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Jon Fleischman

Arnold Kicks In $500k To The Prop. 14, The “Make It Easire To Pass Tax Increaes” Measure

How ironic that successful international movie star and businessman Arnold Schwarzenegger, who is literally volunteering his time as Governor of California, has overnight become the largest donor to the campaign to pass Proposition 14, the "Top Two" initiative, which purports to somehow make things work "better" in Sacramento.

The reason for the irony is that Proposition 14 is truly the "wealthy, special interests empowerment act" where the vastly wealthy people like Arnold Schwarzenegger, and the vastly wealthy special interest groups that dominate state capitol politics (starting with the public employee unions and big business) will significantly increase their influence.

Why is this?  First and foremost, Proposition 14 makes it a whole lot more expensive to campaign for public office, while doing nothing to make it any easier for a candidate to raise money.  So this really advantages those players in system who have money to spread around. 

Let’s also remember that the stated purpose of this measure is to decrease the role of "ideologues" in the legislature.  This will play right into the hands of the special interests in Sacramento — as it is those darned ideologues (root word: "idea" – as in "committed to ideas") are largely responsible for stopping virtually all attempts to raise taxes in Sacramento.

Remember that this measure, Proposition 14, was born out of the frustrations of the ill-fated February 09 budget deal when it was so hard to get Republicans to sign off on taxes.  If this measure passes, look for a lot more tax increases in the future.  None of which are likely to any more of dent in the pocket of Arnold Schwarzenegger than this $500,000 check he wrote towards its passage.

3 Responses to “Arnold Kicks In $500k To The Prop. 14, The “Make It Easire To Pass Tax Increaes” Measure”

  1. Says:

    No one should be surprised by this. After he lost the 2005 special election he gave up and went “post-partisan.” Now post-partisan means financing the destruction of political parties in California.

    We, the party regulars including myself, were star struck when he ran. We should remember this what happens when we don’t do our homework.

  2. Says:

    Woops, it should say “We should remember this is what happens when we don’t do our homework.”

  3. Says:

    The Republican organizational model: Get a celeb with no public policy experience with lots of bucks to spend until the public school educated(drop outs too)take time from their busy day foraging for juicy benefits… to vote!!!

    Even Coupal is star struck rolling over for that scary and risky swapmeet gal…

    Conservatives and Tea Party types…hold your powder…you’ll need it to pay for all the new taxes and regulation compliance coming our way!!!!