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Whitman Tele-Townhall NOW

I am listening in to a Meg Whitman tele-townhall.  Got the call about 2 minutes ago.

Meg talked about eliminating a couple thousand appointees and running the state more like a business.

UPDATE: They are saying that the tele-townhall is just in Orange County.

One Response to “Whitman Tele-Townhall NOW”

  1. Says:

    ….daily more and more soft puffs on this site for the RINOETTE!

    You time would be better spent supporting local candidates for the legislature….but that is tough work….takes away time from the cobb salads and Merlot at the country club….

    Note how McCain is running his primary campaign… would think he is Goldwater Heavy…..tough, direct, while his gang of 14 awaits in the wings…

    Over and over….RINOS everywhere!!