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Jon Fleischman

VIDEO: Bill Simon Endorses Tom Campbell for U.S. Senate

Former GOP 2002 Gubernatorial nominee Bill Simon has endorsed Tom Campbell for the U.S. Senate.  Simon, who campaigned for Governor as an all-around conservative has taken to endorsing social moderates/liberals — he backed Rudy Giuiliani (citing an old, personal friendship) for President in 2008, and Meg Whitman for Governor this year.  Now he’s endorsed Tom Campbell.

Check out the video…

One Response to “VIDEO: Bill Simon Endorses Tom Campbell for U.S. Senate”

  1. Says:

    I do not think we need gold plated political relics telling us how to vote or live our lives….this guy was a inept political failure running the worst campaign in modern California history….stop the puff pieces….Campbell is a first class RINO who never saw a tax he didn’t like…..the perfect causcus mate for Snow, McCain and Amensty Grahmn and the rest of gang of 14… progressives from the git go!