As a legislator, I am often asked by reporters how I can, in good conscious, oppose tax increases when the state is broke.
My answer is simple: The state isn’t broke because of an anemic revenue flow; it’s broke due to poor decisions made by over-spending Liberals – like the $17,000 per year we spend on each California prison inmate and the gold plated compensation packages afforded to education bureaucrats instead of investing money in the classrooms ( just to name a few budget problems).
And now the California Taxpayers’ Association just released a report that reveals nearly $20 billion in state government waste, fraud and mismanagement in just the past decade alone!
Cal-Tax President Teresa Casazza puts this gross mismanagement of taxpayers’ dollars into perspective:
“Every penny of waste that is stopped is like a penny of new revenue that can help students, provide health care to the poor and keep convicted felons behind bars.”
This report is further proof that shaking down taxpayers is not the answer to our budget problems, and it gives the electorate one more reason to send Liberal elected officials packing in November.

March 22nd, 2010 at 12:00 am
Great work George!