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Jason Cabel Roe

Not As Good As It Looks

Watching the vote last night on Obama care as well as all my friend’s status updates on Facebook, Republicans clearly think the bill’s passage will be a political boon to in November.  Not so fast.

While it is an unprecedented encroachment on private sector health care and nanny-state socialism, I am unconvinced it’s the political loser for Dems that we think it is.

First, a win is a win.  This Administration and this Democrat Congress are running on a victory and that means something.  The entire left wing apparatus will now turn to the indocrination effort of telling Americans how wonderful their new "rights" are and that it is Democrats getting things done.

And in an environment in which the electorate thinks Washington is broken (it is), the idea that Democrats in Washington got it done will mean something.

Finally, we will not feel the effects of the change before the November elections and so whatever negative impact of this "reform" will not be realized before it can influence voter behavior.

The wind has been at our backs but we cannot take it for granted.  There are still seven months until the election – many lifetimes in politics – and many issues for Democrats to tackle.  A few more "wins" like financial regulatory reform and immigration reform and they will be able to position themselves as governing in a city perceived as ungovernable.

I think the politically beneficial place would be the bill going down but leaving us with an example of the threats to our liberty from a Democrat majority.  I fear – and I hope I’m wrong – that our base loses its enthusiasm post passage. 

3 Responses to “Not As Good As It Looks”

  1. Says:

    The big win for the American public (and Democrats) puts the wind back in the sails of California Democrats.

    If this is “socialism,” why aren’t any Republican Congressman giving up their taxpayer-paid for, government health care plans?

  2. Says:

    Steve, Members of Congress work full time for the federal government. The issue is not the government providing health care benefits for its employees, but rather for people who do not work for the government.

  3. Says:

    I agree with the impact a “win” on HCR could bring the Dems, but the legislation is still favored by only 35% of Americans. I think if they keep talking about, it further alienates independents. Currently, they have the problem that the independents who will swing this election are behaving like Republicans on most issues. If they excite their base, they drive away indies. Conversely, we don’t have that problem.

    But, seven months is a long, long time, and a lot could happen.