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Shawn Steel

Corporations: Enemy of the People; Key Supporters for Obamacare

Republicans are not surprised that Obamacare could not have succeeded without Big Pharma, the Business Round table, Wal-Mart, the American Medical Association, and the American Hospital Association. All statists. All looters. Looking to increase market share and drill more out from government. 

If we think the public sector unions are parasitical, we need look no further to giant corporations a willing ally in feasting on the government carcass. The only ones screwed are the middle class.

When the California Chamber of Commerce supports legislative democrats or Davis when he was governor, let’s not act surprised. When the California Business Round table oppose school choice and promotes tax increases, we need to remember they along with the government unions are the twin enemies of freedom from government growth.

One Response to “Corporations: Enemy of the People; Key Supporters for Obamacare”

  1. Says:

    Geesh….throwin rocks! When you have an unfriendly business enviro you look toward survival…even if the escape hatch is explotation of labor….

    Get used to it….doubling and tripling down on business by the socialist demo party will only accelerate business to flee to safe havens…

    Someone told me 100 people showed up for interviews to be Chicklet sales representatives outside Angel Stadium….hmmmmmm…could, may happen!