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Jon Fleischman

Random Alphabet Draw For Candidate Order On Ballot

The Secretary of State has announced the results of the random drawing for order in which candidates shall appear on the ballot…

Y, B, N, F, T, S, W, L, P, Z, V, X, Q, A, I, O, J, R, G, D, C, U, M, K, H, E

The way it works is pretty simple.  Candidates are in descending order on the ballot by last name.  If the first letters match, apply the draw to the second letter, and if necessary the third, and so on.

If candidates are running for an office that encompasses more than one Assembly District, the names will be rotated in each Assembly District.

To apply this draw to the GOP primary in the Assembly seat where the International HQ of the FlashReport is located — AD 70 — it would mean the order is Rich Wagner, then Jerry Amante, followed by Steven Choi.  Since it is (by definition) all within one district, the names do not rotate.

All of you Central Committee candidates should check this out – since ballot order for those low-profile races is more significant!

5 Responses to “Random Alphabet Draw For Candidate Order On Ballot”

  1. Says:

    Isn’t it Don Wagner?

  2. Says:

    I like this draw.

  3. Says:

    Ugh… not happy about this draw. Ingram gets lost in the latter end vowel bunch.

  4. Says:

    Rock on, Bartlett. Burrola is hardly a step behind you.

  5. Arrowhead.Ken@Charter.Net Says:

    He who is last shall be first.