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Jon Fleischman

Taxpayers Join the Fight to Suspend AB 32

The Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association threw down the gauntlet today and entered the Ballot Initiative fight to stop California’s massive “Energy Tax.”

This is a game-changer in the race to Suspend AB 32.

Up until now, the effort has been critiqued for enjoying the support of Valero energy company, giving firepower to its enemies who suggest this is only an effort being fought by the oil companies.

They couldn’t be more wrong.

With HJTA entering the fight, this changes everything.

You may recall it was HJTA who lead the fight against the Governor and his political machine during last year’s Prop. 1A fight — you rememeber —  the $16 billion tax on the people.  The opposition effort to the Governor and the Legislature’s proposed tax increases were hardly organized by Sacramento standards – until they got involved.  At the end of the day, even though they were outspent 20-to-1 by the Governor, the Democrats, and the Unions, Prop. 1A was defeated by a very healthy 2-to-1 landslide.

Expect them to do the same with the effort to Suspend AB 32.  Expect them to bring to bear the power of their grassroots networks, Tea Party movement, and other Taxpayer groups to the effort.  Expect radio ads to run.  Expect that if Jarvis is in it, then they intend to win it.

This could get interesting.

With $180 Billion in “Energy Taxes” at stake, it had better be.

5 Responses to “Taxpayers Join the Fight to Suspend AB 32”

  1. Says:

    Even Coupal looks for redemption.

  2. Says:

    If you look at the FPPC report, 89 percent of the money is from oil companies. More than 70 percent of the money is from Texas.

    Since the HJTA refuses to reveal its donors, I’d be willing to be there is oil money there too.

    As for your “$180 billion in energy taxes,” the LAO today shredded the report that HJTA uses for its doomsday forecasting as “useless.” Funny how you didnt blog about that.

    Not even the Chamber or Chevron is helping this initiative. And it’s polling at 37 percent.

  3. Says:

    The only thing Jon Coupal looks for is a way to take money for his organization’s endorsement. Everybody in Sacramento knows it. I guess that’s what his $230k+ salary for being a “taxpayer advocate” is all about.

  4. Says:


    You can get away with ‘fanciful’ posts on the liberal sites, but it is not as easy here.

    You know support for the jobs initiative is above 70%, that Jon’s salary would not even cover the benefits package for your union bosses and that rolling back the AB32 madness is a VERY high priority for the Chamber and Chevron, even if they are not quite as bold as Valero.

    By the way, how many California employees does this “Texas” oil company have?


  5. Says:

    There is NO poll for the polluters proposition that has support at 70 percent, so, really, spare me.

    The Chamber has no position on the initiative.

    Google, eBay, Waste Management, Applied Materials, Virgin America — you know, the GROWING businesses of California, as well as Small Business California, oppose the initiative.

    Just follow the money: 89 percent from oil companies, 70 percent from Texas.