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Ray Haynes

Please, Govern as Conservatives

It is the primary season in a year of Republican ascendancy.  Conservatives have figured out that their fratricide of the last several years handed power over to the Democrats, and they have united (to a certain extent).  That means that candidates have "seen the light," they have experienced their election year conversions, and all Republicans candidates are conservatives.  They run commercials this time of year touting how conservative they are, how their opponents are not, and how they are going to implement [insert conservative agenda item here] when they get elected.

This year they will be elected.  Whether they are running for Governor, Senator, Member of Congress, Legislator or other, they will be elected.  As in 1994, they will suddenly have power.

However, for the last 16 years, many of these candidates have been sitting in their offices, their country clubs, their neighborhoods or in their homes, listening to the media, their friends, their office mates, or their business associates deride conservatives in office.  They have been told how unreasonable conservatives are, how unrealistic they are, how important it is to work with liberals, how being a centrist is the secret to good governance.  For the last year, they have been listening to their political consultants tell them they have to talk like conservatives now if they want to win, but they will have to "move to the center" when they get elected to govern.  They are talking like conservatives now, because they know that is what they have to do to get elected, but once elected, they believe that they will have to govern as centrists, because that is what all the "smart people" in politics have been telling them for so long.

And they will govern as centrists once they get elected, and all the people who voted for them will get angry at these would be conservatives for lying to them, and the fratricide will begin again, handing power over to the Democrats one more time.

Unless these candidates actually govern as conservatives.  Democrats campaign as centrists, but govern as liberals, that is why they lose power, but at least they get some of their agenda enacted.  Republican campaign as conservatives, but govern as centrists, and that is why they lose power.  However, when Republicans have power, they don’t enact their agenda, and they don’t repeal the Democrat advances, because they spend their time trying to look reasonable.

Let’s try something new after this next election. It’s high risk to be sure, but it has never been tried.  Let’s run as conservatives, and then, once we get power, let’s actually govern as conservatives.  Let’s surprise the voters, and actually do what we promised to do.  Who knows, we might actually keep power this time.  More important, we might actually get something done

One Response to “Please, Govern as Conservatives”

  1. Says:

    Better yet let’s elect Reps that have great Character & Integrity & will govern with the Constitution-Freedom-Liberty as their core principals

    Until we throw out of office the power hungry tyrants on both sides of the aisle that promise one thing while on the campaign trail, then once elected do a 180 & vote with the ruling elite,unions,lobbyists or who ever is waving a check in front of their faces, we are going to continue to run our Cities-Counties-States-Country right into the ground