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Jon Fleischman

Latest CRP Podcast Features FR’s Jon Fleischman, CRP Chairman Ron Nehring, and GOP Strategist Jennifer Jacobs

I strongly encourage FR readers to listen to this week’s California Republican Party podcast.

The first half of the podcast is devoted to discussing last weekend’s State GOP Convention.  But the most important segment to discuss would be the second half of the show, where we talk about why Proposition 14, the "so called" Open Primary measure is very, very bad for all Californians.

CRP Chairman Ron Nehring hosts the program, and appearing with me as the other guest is Jennifer Jacobs.

You can listen to the podcast here.  You can subscribe to the CRP’s weekly podcast on iTunes.

One Response to “Latest CRP Podcast Features FR’s Jon Fleischman, CRP Chairman Ron Nehring, and GOP Strategist Jennifer Jacobs”

  1. Says:

    If so much fear of Prop. 14….something must good about it….me thinks political operatives and pundits who suck up donation money may have to consider a real job pickin lettuce!!!