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Congressman Buck McKeon

Americans Don’t Know the Half of It (Literally)

While House Democrats are plotting political gimmicks and backroom deals while vying for ‘yes’ votes on their health care bill, most Americans would be shocked and confused to learn that Democrats have included a plan – tied to the health care bill – to eliminate private-sector options for a government-managed direct student loan program.

In 1993, President Clinton expanded the government-operated direct loan program.  While I didn’t support the move then, Republicans and Democrats aimed to strike a balance between government-controlled student loans and private loans.  With this new super-Democrat majority, the days of negotiation have passed, and Democrats have made leaps towards a full government takeover of the student loan industry.

Not only are these two bills now being tied together in reconciliation, they also have eerily similar historic paths.  Just as the Majority said they wanted to create a ‘government option’ for student loans, to only fully takeover the program years later; they are making the same claims about health care today.   For Democrats, it starts with a call for a ‘government option,’ but make no mistake; the intent is for an eventual full government takeover of Americans’ health care choices.

Congressman Howard P. "Buck" McKeon, a Republican, represents the 25th District of California in the U.S. Congress.