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Jon Fleischman

NOMVideo: Campbell and Boxer, Two Peas In A Liberal Pod

The National Organization of Marriage has just launched a new television commercial here in California  in which they seek to emphasize that on the issue of gay marriage, Republican Tom Campbell and Barbara Boxer have the same position.  They highlight a couple of other similarities as well.

Brian Brown, Executive Director of NOM, has this to say about his organization’s ad, "GOP voters believe in tax cuts, national defense, and the family. They oppose same-sex marriage by a 4-1 margin. They deserve to know that Tom Campbell is a pro-gay marriage, pro-choice, pro-tax Republican — not much different from Barbara Boxer on many key issues."

A well placed source with NOM shared some information about the ad buy itself, "The ad is focused in key GOP areas – San Diego, LA, Fresno, Bakersfield and Sacramento media markets. In larger markets such as LA, San Diego and Sacramento it is targeted to areas within the market that are rich in Republican voters."

Here is the ad…

One Response to “NOMVideo: Campbell and Boxer, Two Peas In A Liberal Pod”

  1. Says:

    This new site format is not participation friendly…

    It is puff piece after puff piece with no comments section soliciting intelligent rebuttals…..

    Mr. Coupal is trying to redeem himself after his tizzy fit backing RINO Whitman.

    Trotting out Mr. Nehring trolling for donations from unsuspect sheeple is down rite laughable…..the giver of huge Republican sums to pass Prop. 1A, it lost miserably for it would have raised our taxes about 20 billion dollars over a couple of years….the Holy Grail of RINO stupidity.