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Mike Spence

59th Assembly District: Recall Proponent Endorses and 3 More Candidates

Hesperia School Board Member Anthony Riley has picked up the endorsement of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association. A big coup here and of course are the recall committee far behind? HJTA supported the recall of Assemblyman Anthony Adams.
Three more candidates have taken out papers from the San Bernardino side.
Tim Donnelly from his website is running as a constitutionalist. Very Similar to the message that Ken Hunter has. been spreading. Hunter announced his race before Adams announcement.
Iver Bye. For those of you without long memories, Iver Bye ran for Los Angeles County District Attorney in 1988. I think I voted for him. He was a Deputy District Attorney. I remember he was disciplined for some misconduct several years ago.
And finally Matthew Belgen. Belgen had applied to be on the Citizens Redistricting Initiative Commission. I think filing for Assembly kind of wipes that possibility out.
For Geography buffs the candidate count is two from the Los Angeles County part, and five from the San Bernardino part.

For links to all the posts on this race, start here.

3 Responses to “59th Assembly District: Recall Proponent Endorses and 3 More Candidates”

  1. Says:

    What is the value of endorsements when a candidate’s past is tainted by corruption?

    Riley has a “corruption connection” to the biggest scandal in the history of San Bernardino County, the Colonies. The San Bernardino DA and Jerry Brown have indicted 2 leading San Bernardino Republicans, Bill Postmus and Jim Erwin, plus one small fry. They allege that the Colonies partners bribed the San Bernardino Supervisors with PAC money donations in return for a 105 million dollar settlement on a bogus lawsuit. $5500 of the alleged bribe money ended up in Riley’s pocket. Unindicted co-conspirators include a San Bernardino County Supervisor and Riley’s boss when he was on staff for another Supervisor. So far, Riley has not published an explanation of what he did with the money or what he did to get the money.

    Riley was the “educational director” of a non profit school, California Charter Academy. Riley’s bosses at the school allegedly stole 5 million dollars in taxpayer money. Ramos now has Riley’s bosses up on 200 felony counts. As the “educational director” did Riley notice the 5 million was missing?

    It seems to be a repeating pattern. Wherever he works, taxpayer’s dollars disappear.

    All the information is online. The San Bernardino Sun has a money flow chart, the Press Enterprise has an article about the Charter School and the Court website has the 200 felony counts. It is easy to find.

    To those who endorse Riley, did you know about this when you endorsed him, or did you endorse him without an investigation of the “corruption connections”? Either way, Riley is a vulnerable potental nominee, both politically and as a potential defendant/witness in 2 criminal cases.

    If I am wrong about this, I invite anyone; the endorsers and Mr. Riley, to correct me, either publically or by contacting me. I can e-mail the articles and court information. If I am wrong, I post a correction.

    If I am not wrong, then why does an candidate with this past getting these endorsements?

    John Wurm – Ken Hunter’s Campaign manager

  2. Says:

    While his competitors have been out trying to get endorsements from professional politicians, Ken has been attending Council meetings at cities in the district to meet with his constituents on a grass roots level. Who do you think cares more about you, the individual taxpayer? Ken has my support.

  3. Says:

    Are you going to be posting a report on the the Friday candidate forum for the Fighting 59th?