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Jon Fleischman

Impressive Fiorina Mailer To CRP Delegates

Numerically, so far the candidate campaign that has sent the most correspondence to California Republican Party Conventioneers in advance of this weekend’s confab is easily Attorney General candidate Steve Cooley (the latest being a letter from four past CRP Chairmen – Dr. Tirso Del Junco, Mike Motgomery, Frank Visco, and my former employer L.A. County Supervisor Mike Antonovich).  Right behind him is the campaign of Gubernatorial hopeful Meg Whitman (her latest letter is a piece from former Governor Pete Wilson).  But all of those have been rather subdued mailers in terms of presentation — a simple letter in an envelope.

The only mail piece I have received from a campaign that is impressive in its presentation has come from U.S. Senate hopeful Carly Fiorina.  This glossy mailer is personalized and includes not only a strong letter from some conservative U.S. Senators, but it really lays out the fiscal follies of candidate Tom Campbell.  Of course, for strategic reasons, Fiorina doesn’t even mention the candidacy of Assemblyman Chuck DeVore, whom she cannot "out-conservative" but she can out-spend — but the mail piece is effective.

Check it out for yourself (I emailed the campaign for a .pdf version)…  Click on the graphic below to enlarge…

One Response to “Impressive Fiorina Mailer To CRP Delegates”

  1. Says:

    Is it really “impressive” to have three out-of-state legislators endorse you to California Republicans? Seriously, is that the best the woman who almost ruined H-P can do?