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Jon Fleischman

Senator Roy Ashburn: “I am gay.”

On the Inga Barks radio program on Kern Radio, AM 1180, State Senator Roy Ashburn told Inga and listeners that he is gay, and asked that people pray for him.

We’ll work on getting the audio as soon as possible.

8 Responses to “Senator Roy Ashburn: “I am gay.””

  1. Says:

    A politician with a hidden personal demon…

    Now there’s a novelty.

    The man’s biggest so called “sin” is still voting to raise our taxes last year. If only he were so eager for redress of that action.

  2. Arrowhead.Ken@Charter.Net Says:

    Time to clean house. I am tired of having a permanent republican majority in Sacramento. Sacramento’s only awnser for anything is to tax, spend and regulate as your income nosedives, risking a permanent depression.
    Open Mike and Ashburn types not helping us win the war.

  3. Says:

    There are many blessings to Term Limits, and this is another example.
    Mr. Ashburn is term-limited this year. He ought to resign now.

    Lest we forget, it was former pro football player (49ers) and later
    LA County Supervisor PETE SCHABARUM who organized the
    petition drive putting Prop. 140’s term limits on the 1990 ballot.

    Let’s remember our conservative Heroes at times like this.
    PETE SCHABARUM is a conservative Hero whose ideas
    and actions continue to benefit us 20 years later.

  4. Says:

    I would love to have a better economic climate in California, but there are a good number of Republican legislators who would love to strip out equality laws and protections such as Senator Huff wanting to remove safe schools legislation.

    I would like to see hope, growth and opportunity. However there is a high cost for this hope, growth and opportunity.

    California is not Oklaholma, nor it is Sweden. We need to co-exist. The problem is if we removed the Bay Area and Los Angeles all these reforms would get passed, but if you piss off the Bay Area and Los Angeles reform will not happen.

  5. Says:

    Mr. Munson:

    Can you be more specific in your charge that unnamed GOP legislators
    want to “strip out equality laws?”

  6. Says:

    James, here is one example.
    AB 2085 / AB 2086 in 2008 by Assemblyman (now Senator) Huff. If Republicans got the majority we’d see more hijinks like that.

  7. Says:

    Mr. Munson:

    Have you actually read AB 2086? It has nothing to do with equality. Here
    is what the official legislative consultant’s summary says about the bill:


    “AB 2086 (Huff) requires notice to be sent to the parent or guardian of
    a pupil regarding the proposed discussion on gender identity or sexual
    orientation in a class attended by the pupil other than a class on com-
    prehensive sexual health education and HIV/AIDS prevention education.”

    Can you explain to us EXACTLY how Notifying a Parent about class
    lectures on sexual orientation or gender identity would (to use your
    own words above) , “strip out equality laws and protections?”

    Do parents deserve some protection under State law?

  8. Says:

    At some point CA will become so unappealing that Not only will more good people leave, but they won’t even come back to visit, further eroding the economic stability. I am at the point that I don’t know if I can take another phony conservative that is in an elected position. I have been on a school board and that is a tough job. If you don’t believe in what you are doing then why go through all that trouble to get elected by lying? I don’t understand. I am getting to the point I don’t even want to try anymore. Sometimes I feel living in CA is like living in a zoo and the whole world is looking at us and laughing.