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Barry Jantz

Today’s Commentary: Sunday California…Let’s Not Decide the Safety of Our Chelsea Kings on a 5-2 Vote

Last Tuesday, thousands from throughout the state and nation were saddened to hear the news that the body of missing 17-year-old Poway High School student Chelsea King had been found after a frenzied five day search.  Those from Poway and the rest of San Diego County were particularly stunned.  Many of us had been glued to the story, while holding out hope that she might be found alive, even though a sexual predator had been arrested in the case.

The community at large, many coming out by the thousands to search for Chelsea, grabbed on to the hope that whatever rape- and murder-related evidence the Sheriff’s Department had in its possession might somehow be wrong, lacking an actual body.  

The photos of Chelsea on the news and on storefront windows throughout the county represented the picture of all our children, any one of them out for an afternoon run on a nice, lakeshore trail in a relatively safe community, only not to return home.

**There is more – click the link**

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5 Responses to “Today’s Commentary: Sunday California…Let’s Not Decide the Safety of Our Chelsea Kings on a 5-2 Vote”

  1. Says:

    The Sheriff’s Department has called a press conference for 3:30 pm today with what is said to be a major development in the year-old missing Amber Dubois case. To have it on a Sunday would indicate something significant, such as an admission from John Gardner. If so, it’s safe to say that my position above has not changed in the slightest.

  2. Says:

    Some may call me callous and I really don’t care. 1st offense, death penalty. No more problem. That could have been my daughter and I am sick of these people getting out of prison only to commit the same crime over and over. When will we learn. This also solves the problem of being to expensive for the rest of there life in prison.

  3. Says:


    Let’s NAME some NAMES of the legislators who doomed these
    worthy bills by then-Assembly members Jay la Suer and Shirley

    The membership of the Public Safety Committee changed a bit
    during the 2003-04 session, but 3 Democrats were there for both
    bills and voted NO each time….. The DISHONOR Roll features
    these three “representatives”:

    (1) …Mark Leno………….. (now a San Francicso state senator)
    (2) …Paul Koretz…………..(now a Los Angeles city councilman)
    (3) …Jackie Goldberg………(term-limited from state office)

    Wouldn’t it be something if a Mainstream media Reporter talked
    to these 3 people, and asked about their reflexive opposition to
    bills which might’ve helped prevent the Chelsea King tragedy?

    OK, MSM, we’ve done the Research for you. Now it’s your turn!

  4. Says:

    From the UT…

    The skeletal remains of missing Escondido teenager Amber Dubois have been found more than a year after she vanished while walking to school one morning, authorities announced Sunday.

  5. Says:

    Jim, it was all I could do to not even go longer…but, I knew I could count on you! Steve Baldwin’s follow-up piece will detail some of the folks we can “count on” to defeat good legislation