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Jon Fleischman

Mountjoy Urges CRA Delegates To Endorse Poizner.

This weekend themembers of the California Republican Assembly, the state’s premier conservative grassroots GOP organization, will meet in Orange County for their annual convention.  At this event, the CRA will consider making endorsements in Republican statewide primaries. 

Below is a letter that was sent out to CRA convention delegates from well-respected former State Legislators and former CRA State President Dick Mountjoy — urging delegates to support an endorsement of Steve Poizner.

From what we hear, it will either be a Poizner endorsement or none at all — Whitman’s not in the hunt to gain support from this key group. But she’s making a play to try tstop Poizner from getting the required and tough 2/3rds vote.  Both Poizner and Whitman are speaking at the event.

It is worthy of note that Poizner was endorsement by the CRA in his successful 2006 bid for Insurance Commissioner.

The Mountjoy Letter…

CRA Delegates:

For the past few decades, the California Republican Assembly has been, as Ronald Reagan said, “the conscience of the Republican Party.”  Those immortal words continue to guide us every time we gather to make the most important decision as an organization – making an endorsement for a candidate for public office.  Since my tenure as CRA president in the early 90s, our membership has grown by leaps and bound.   Today, as the largest Republican volunteer organization in California, the CRA’s endorsement is a stamp of approval to the rest of our party that says a candidate shares our values.  We make these important decisions not in haste, and certainly never for political expediency.  People can continue to count on CRA’s consistent, principled leadership because you and I hold that important vote in our hands.  Let me share with you how I intend to vote in this important election: for Steve Poizner for Governor.

Steve Poizner has been a steadfast leader in our party.  He has been a friend of our movement by continuing to build on the Reagan Revolution.  As Insurance Commissioner, he is the only public official to have reduced the size of government in California.  I served in the California Legislature from 1978-2000 and saw firsthand the insatiable thirst of government, and the pressure and temptation to raise taxes.  By fighting insurance fraud and lowering the operating budget of the Department of Insurance, Steve Poizner has proven he is the only candidate who can slay the beast of government spending.  He cut spending at the Department of Insurance by 15%, and he will bring that same determination to the Governor’s office.

In this election, the choice is very clear.  You all know the devastating impact of illegal immigration on our state.  From hospital emergency rooms, to overcrowded public schools, the effect of illegal immigration has continued to be a drain on our public resources.  As the Author of Prop 187, I am outraged that Meg Whitman has said on record numerous times, that she opposes Prop 187.  That is unacceptable in a candidate for Governor.  It is unacceptable for a candidate of our party. 

We know Steve is with us on many important issues.  He is the only candidate who will fight to end public funding of abortion.  More importantly, we can count on Steve as a friend.  He has always been accessible to us, listened to our issues, and courageously shared his thoughts.  Steve believes the Constitution written by Patriots over 200 years ago should not be given a wink and a nod by present day politicians.  Steve has the character, the vision and the tenacity for government service and that’s why we endorsed him four years ago for Insurance Commissioner and why we should endorse him to carry our torch for Governor in 2010.  

Dick Mountjoy
State Senator, Ret’d.

One Response to “Mountjoy Urges CRA Delegates To Endorse Poizner.”

  1. Arrowhead.Ken@Charter.Net Says:

    Yes, Steve is my choice for Governor. Mountjoy gives an excellent explaination of why Poizner is simply the best choice for Governor. While there is no such thing as a perfect candidate, at least Poizner has never been recalled for raising taxes unlike another candidate Mountjoy has endorsed in 2010.If Poizner had ever been recalled for raising taxes, I doubt anyone would be in a hurry to endorse him today, except Mountjoy. If Poizner had ever been recalled for raising taxes, Meg’s little slide shows would only need one panel.
    There is a one strike rule against that today among all conservatives.